Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My Blog starts with this?....

Well here we go. What a way to start a blog. I finished lacrosse practice tonight, got home to do my first post here and was sitting down to play some Halo Wars on my Xbox360 (great game by the way if your a Halo fan or not its a fun play) and i received a Red Ring. Now for those of you who are not Xbox gamers or haven't received a red ring for that matter, its a problem that started as an epidemic when the Xbox360 was released that basically is your system saying its not playing your games anymore. You're kind aren't welcome here is the gist of what it means, and its a horrible thing too many people have gone through. So clearly not a great way to start the day (or blog i should say).

So RROD (Red Ring of Death keep up with the acronyms) aside, an interesting day of news from all the different aspects of my life. In lacrosse news lots of huge upsets all over D1 college lacrosse, but personally my favorite news of today is Director Michael Bay announcing on his website today that he will be pursuing Frank Welker to voice Soundwave in the new Transformers film. For those that didn't grow up with Transformers like i did, Welker voiced Soundwave, Megatron and other characters from the iconic franchise, as well as many other voices from all over peoples childhoods. So as an original G1 fan this is very happy news that takes some of the sting out of my RROD issue...

So not a bad first post, more to come. I'll be looking to snag a new Xbox soon, but with playoffs this weekend to coach with the team for lacrosse, guess its not a bad time to loose a distraction.


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