Friday, March 13, 2009

Games...Video and Lacrosse alike...

Well, since my Xbox died (RIP) a few days ago...I've been shoving new life into my PS3. System updates, downloading and trying Home as well as just kind of re-inventing my love for my Playstation again. I've been replaying through Uncharted: Drakes Fortune, as well as the PS3 version of Bioshock. An amazing set of games that if you game at all you must play. And speaking of Bioshock...good news! the new Gameinformer magazine should be shipping soon and this months covershot is alllllll about the sequel, Bioshock 2 (Sea of Dreams?). So i cannot wait for that to arrive. I need something fresh gaming ways to stick my teeth into after being highly dissapointed by Resident Evil 5 (pretty game, but wayyy to repetitive and slow)
On the gaming yet non-gaming side of things (take THAT grammer!) a VERY long day of Lacrosse tommarow with playoffs for the team, and then on Sunday we just right back into it, starting up the next weekend season. This one will be older players (7th & 8th) so should be a new fun expierience. Long days, but they will be long days under the California sun doing nothing but lacrosse, and since im waiting on new gaming news, and it stays slow like this with Transformers news...48 hours of Lacrosse is not such a bad thing...

later gators...


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